The New York Times : Modi awaits a verdict on his 10 years in power

The New York Times : Modi awaits a verdict on his 10 years in power

The latest international media coverage on the exit polls for India’s general election suggests a strong showing for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led alliance. Here’s a summary of the reports:

The Washington Post: Describes the election as the “world’s largest democratic event” and notes that the BJP is still expected to dominate.

The Japan Times: Highlights that Modi is set for a “landslide election win” according to the exit polls.

Al Jazeera: Reports that the exit polls show a majority for Modi’s BJP-led alliance.

The Guardian: States that Modi’s alliance is expected to win easily in the Indian election.

euters: Indicates that Modi’s alliance is set to “break India’s southern ceiling,” suggesting significant gains in regions where the BJP has traditionally been weaker.

The New York Times: Reflects on the end of voting in India, framing it as a moment where Modi awaits a verdict on his 10 years in power.

These reports collectively underscore a widespread expectation of a decisive victory for Modi’s BJP-led alliance, reflecting broad international interest in the electoral process and its outcomes.


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